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News — Beauty Tips

How To Clean A Facial Steamer

Posted by Emin Andreasian on

How To Clean A Facial Steamer

Look around any busy salon or spa, and you’ll see facial steamers doing a lot of the heavy lifting -- and for good reason. A facial steamer is an extremely useful device that provides a wide variety of skin care benefits to those undergoing treatment. However, facial skin is among the body’s most sensitive; and if it’s not cleaned and maintained properly, your facial steamer could potentially be harming your clients more than helping them. An unsanitary facial steamer will produce poor results, and word will quickly get out that your facility doesn’t take hygiene seriously.

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The Beauty of Facial Steamer Benefits

Posted by Emin Andreasian on

The Beauty of Facial Steamer Benefits

The formula for a solid foundation of healthy skin is pretty straightforward: eating healthily, getting your beauty sleep and drinking plenty of water. Maintaining your healthy skin, however, requires a routine of good skin habits like washing your face daily, applying the right moisturizer for your skin and applying an effective sunscreen. But to advance even farther and get a glowing, smooth facial complexion that will maximize your appearance, there is another routine that you should wholeheartedly embrace: the routine of steaming your face. 

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